Monday, November 24, 2008

Municipal mismanagement of 'entertainment' Night

Referring to the sad death of a young man in a discotheque in Madrid This weekend, I want to draw attention to things like that or worst that will happen. I have no doubt, and only time. The abandonment that we have subjected the municipality of this city in managing the so-called 'recreational' Night weekend is unbelievable.

First, how can anyone think that is' leisure 'invasion that adolescents and young people, every weekend, from public spaces for Drunk, scream, pee, and so on. without considering that you are causing serious harm health of the people who live next to these spaces. In that case it would also be 'leisure' Drunk, scream, pee, and so on. In the living room of the house of his parents, with them sleeping in the bedroom next door. I think I did not?

And what her parents think? Fun or depravity? And what should we think the residents of these invaders prisoners of streets, parks, plazas, and even entire neighborhoods. We think they see us as dead; not exist for them.


As to the subject of the action. And as for the sole responsibility of passing this, the illustrious City Council of the Villa de Madrid, and his lord mayor, who signed the same, being president of the Community of Madrid, a law to prevent these things happen, the question that I can think in this case is: Who manages the public space where the invaders burst depraved razing everything? Is not this the same City Hall and the same mayor who aspires to manage public space and facilities for an event the size of an Olympics? If we managed in the same way it is clear that achieved the worst result imaginable.

And what about the hundreds of local operating profit sectors as many 'businessmen', accumulating hundreds of irregularities in the low building full of dead people, because for them that live there do not exist. And these are not those who manage noise, fights, smoke, etc., Others suffer. Clearly, these premises for the same Ilmo. Madrid City Council, as it is for the invaders of public space, you have so many other regulations or ordinances of 'Urban Environment'.

end, hundreds of instruments useless for a non-existent management of 'entertainment' night that many perverts, enriches a few at the expense of the health of many whose only crime was to live at home. Meanwhile, tons of garbage, permanent smell of urine, constant fighting, hundreds of hospital emergency services, youth depraved, and any innocent victim.

Until when? Until that Madrid Olympic hosts? It would be more than the IOC knew this reality, the actual management of the Hon. Ayto. de la Villa de Madrid.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Grard Imbert analyzes the ability of television to deform the reality

Beyond the trivial, television is half of enormous symbolic weight, where our ghosts and that feeds back the collective imagination. Faced with the shortfall of reality TV creates its own reality, and does so transforming it into spectacle: the processor is television, with that ability that has the means to distort the reality until you get to the grotesque.

This is the basis on which Gerard Imbert, professor of Audiovisual Communication at the University Carlos III de Madrid, analyzes the recent evolution of television in his book 'The transformer television. Postelevisin social and imaginary '(Ctedra. Sign and Image).

Imbert argues television has taken an important turning point in the last two decades. Beyond its claim to report on the world and play the reality has become a major producer of imaginary machine.

The book consists of two parts: first, 'The games from reality', focuses on how television is moving away from its information function and becomes more didactic and playful, using the social reality as a pretext for create a reality 'sui ', halfway between reality and fiction and the most vivid example is staged in the formats of television (' Big Brother ',' Hotel Glam ',' Pop Idol'...).

This section also refers to it calls "television interventionist", namely that not only listens, as in 'talk show'-advised but even half in conflicts or send advisers, as in 'Supernany', 'SOS teenager' and 'adjustment accounts.

Professor of Audiovisual Communication and author of books including 'The zoo visual' (Gedisa), 'The temptation of suicide' (Tecnos) or 'Cultures of War', (Chair) warns of some of the dangers that lurk to the medium, as is the tendency to strain to reach the grotesque, as' freak ', which consists of the' 'of reality. In an inflation of the narrative forms that crystallizes in 'Martian Chronicles'. Program ending Imbert enshrining what qualifies as a 'culture of messing around'.

The second part, 'The games with reality' explores the passage produced by the television, which staged the subject, gives him the opportunity to project themselves on a standby at the game on television, to identify with multiple roles . This is far from reality and is close to the model of role-playing.

The author claims the imperative of the show, with the subsequent contamination of the model for information that leads to 'infotainment', the of reality (in four years the events have TRIPICE its presence in the news), stresses the back of conversational model ( 'this show', 'reality show') and start-show speech, warning of the emergence of hybrid formats, which blend reality and fiction, where he was playful blurs the boundaries between real and imaginary, and it concerned about competition from new forms of today, with their peculiar ways of staging his informative and the intimate, with the subsequent of the boundary between public and private.

A section of the book is really inspiring reading Imbert performs the treatment of death on television. In fiction, through series like 'CSI,' 'Genesis' and' A Six Feet Under, and in real terms, with the deaths of the bullfighter Paquirri, Pope John Paul? II and the folk singers and Rocio Jurado Roco Drcal.

The book, but not easy to read, it is extremely interesting and instructive to understand the evolution of television and its role in the construction of identities and of the collective imagination.

Julian Pavone (2 Years Old) Reality TV Show Trailer

Monday, November 10, 2008

Russia still seeks to WTO, said Putin, Prime

The Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin reaffirms Russia course to join the WTO.

"We are in spite of all the known problems did not refuse the idea of accession to the WTO and are ready to maximize the economic dialogue with the EU as a whole ", - said Putin during a meeting with representatives of Russian and French business in Sochi on Saturday.

"Russia was and will be open to the close international cooperation, built on respect for a partner, an understanding of common interests and shared benefits" - stressed Putin.

He noted that so far Russia and France as well as business communities of both countries have been able to work "in that" spirit "." I am sure, maintaining that approach, we will implement the boldest plans ", - said Putin


Monday, November 3, 2008

Davidson 10 days achieves more

All you had hoped, but he failed to appear. Davidson is gone, apparently still in London, and all that is known is that late in the afternoon, a fax was received at the headquarters of the Drac Group requesting an adjournment of ten days. Davidson argues reasons related to "the unpredictable circumstances of the global economy" to justify his absence, but the fact is that his level of credibility is under minimum.

At half past five p.m. will be represented in an operetta headquarters of Barclay's, with the presence of the trustee in bankruptcy, Davidson's lawyer, Xisco Llabrs, and the representatives of the Group Drac, with Vicen Grande to the head. Of the 38 million pledged, of course, there was no trace. Now the new deadline expires next twelve of November, although it remains to be seen if the judge returns to authorize an operation that is so fraught with gray areas and where to start, the English businessman has already lied at least one occasion, when at the end of last week said it had already made through the offices of Barclay's transfer of 38 million euros.

Following his absence at the edge of noon, and after several hours of rumors and disqualifications, Davidson's lawyers wrote a letter in which he apologized confirms its intention to purchase the shares of Binipuntir. Neither Binipuntir, owner of the shares, neither the president nor his Real Mallorca, Vicente Grande, have made a minor official comment on the note of Davidson, although it is known to have signed the extension of ten days. Clearly, there was no choice but to accept, but the most strange is that they have not demanded any amount of money in advance by way of pledge, as is customary in transactions far more common and less risky to one that is an income 38 million euros.

On the street, while the most prevalent feeling is that the operation is not carried out, and is not given the slightest credibility to the English businessman. "It was clear that was impossible. Pay a premium to the seller and keep at the forefront of everything. That is not what anyone thought," commented a EL MUNDO consulted several fans. And it is an opinion shared by several directors and shareholders, who from the outset have been expressed "disbelief" at the emergence of Davidson.

The same sources insist that Vicente Grande was "very touched" by the absence of Paul Davidson. "The had this money not only to pay part of the body of creditors, but that the Mallorca could survive until the end of the season. If the sale is not carried out, there will be no choice but to sell at least one player in January, "added the newspaper to key members of the Governing Council, which admitted its concern.

Sometimes It Doesn't Pay to Have Good Eyesight

Sometimes It Doesn't Pay to Have Good Eyesight

Hal Turner - Anti-Genocide Speech at Knoxville, TN