Monday, January 26, 2009

Eldest son of Kim Jong Il said that he does not want to inherit power in the DPRK

Eldest son of North Korean ruler Kim Jong Il said that he had "no interest" to inherit his father's authority, the South Korean agency Renhap. "Nobody can say anything for sure, and only the father decides everything," - told reporters in Beijing, Kim Jong Nam.

Kim Jong Il, according to the news, suffered a stroke, and this makes observers wonder about who will replace the North Korean leader. Kim Jong Nam, was reportedly not confirmed the previous version of that power get the youngest of three sons of Kim Jong Il - Kim Jong-DNAs involved.

"Nothing to speculate and invent, when a decision is pending," - the son of the leader agency quoted AP.

Last week the agency Renhap with reference to the unnamed source in the exploration, named Kim Jong Una most likely successor to "beloved leader" of North Koreans.

On the other hand, the Japanese newspaper Yomiuri, referring to some reports of U.S. intelligence, identified the likely heir, Kim Jong Nam.

Monday, January 19, 2009

In the Karaganda region disabilities demanded the legalization of prostitution

Society of Disabled Persons "Tirlik" ( "Care"), Karaganda ( Karaganda region of Kazakhstan) has sent to the government asking the country to legalize prostitution and to provide them with money from the state budget limit for sexual services.

"We ask the law to resolve the issue of allocating handicapped cards or checks for a certain amount of use sex and, consequently, the legalization prostitution, "- reported" Interfax "agency chairman disability Rosa Peter, showing him with a copy of the text treatment.

According to her, people with disabilities in poor sex life.

"Disabled men - members of society" Tirlik - at the meeting complained that when they are difficult to collect money for the services of prostitutes, she goes, seeing a client in a wheelchair, with or without hands. But we have a male aged 30-35 years, and their life has never been a woman "- said to Peter, adding that" the same problem is " to disabled women.

In her view, the legalization of prostitution would allow significant increase the revenue budget. "" This business is not eradicated. Prostitution should be in favor of the country, "- said she.

In the Karaganda region with a population of over 1.3 million people 48 thousand disabilities, including in Karaganda, with a population of around half a million people - 16.5 thousand people with disabilities.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Russian bishops Expedition to Antarctica was postponed for technical reasons

Visit the of Russian Orthodox Church on the South Pole, which was previously scheduled for Christmas, postponed for technical reasons. "We hope that it will be able to perform at the baptism, but there - as God will", - the portal Interfax-Religion ", one of the organizers of the expedition.

As reported, the Russian Orthodox Church hierarchy to assume the Christmas service in the central mainland of Antarctica in the vicinity of Hills Patriots. Blessing for the preparation of this campaign was received by Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II and the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad Metropolitan East-American and the New York Ilariona. In preparing the trip are representatives of the Russian Antarctic expedition, experts Tsentrospasa Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations and Roshydromet.

7 Apr., 2008 and archbishop of Petropavlovsk Kamchatsky Ignaty committed liturgy at the North Pole in a temporary tented temple, specially established for several hours on the ice floes.

Meanwhile, remember that the information on the news agency, the Orthodox Christmas in Antarctica, met the Prince of Monaco Albert II.

According to the head of the Russian Antarctic Expedition - Deputy Director of the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI) Roshydromet Valery Lukin, His Highness Albert II - "a big fan of traveling to unknown places of the world" and the Orthodox Christmas holiday decided to visit the Russian Arctic explorer, working on King George Island in the Antarctic Prydz Bay.


Monday, January 5, 2009

In the north of Moscow fire in the building Agroinzhenernogo University

In the north of Moscow caught fire one of the shells Agroinzhenernogo University, located near the Timiryazevskoy Academy. Fires were awarded third in the fifth category of maximum difficulty in extinguishing the fire was attended by 30 calculations. So far, the fire was able to locate, reported Interfax.

Fire on the three-shell Academy at Listvenichnaya alley, building 6 arisen about 20:30, said news agency. In the old building with wooden flames quickly spread, and soon the fire area was about 2.5 thousand square meters. There has been a partial collapse of the roof, but by 22:45 the fire was able to locate.

According to preliminary information, at the time of fire in a building no one was. "Information about the victims do not come", - reported in the Fire Service capital.