Monday, January 5, 2009

In the north of Moscow fire in the building Agroinzhenernogo University

In the north of Moscow caught fire one of the shells Agroinzhenernogo University, located near the Timiryazevskoy Academy. Fires were awarded third in the fifth category of maximum difficulty in extinguishing the fire was attended by 30 calculations. So far, the fire was able to locate, reported Interfax.

Fire on the three-shell Academy at Listvenichnaya alley, building 6 arisen about 20:30, said news agency. In the old building with wooden flames quickly spread, and soon the fire area was about 2.5 thousand square meters. There has been a partial collapse of the roof, but by 22:45 the fire was able to locate.

According to preliminary information, at the time of fire in a building no one was. "Information about the victims do not come", - reported in the Fire Service capital.

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