Monday, February 16, 2009

In Kabul, paid tribute to Soviet soldiers killed in Afghanistan

The Russians are in Afghanistan today are mourning the soldiers, officers, employees Soviet Army and civilian, lost their lives in carrying out international duties in the country.

Morning at the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Afghanistan saluting ceremony honors all citizens of the Soviet Union, who died defending their homeland in the distant approaches to its borders.

A monument to the soldiers-internationalists have gathered all of the Russians - from small to large.

"We will not forget the heroism of our people who are not sparing their strength and life, died in that country, to obey orders to the Motherland", - said at the mourning ceremony of the Russian Federation, Ambassador Zamir Kabulov, who worked here for 80 years of the last century.

"Time Set your priorities. It starts with a profound reassessment and rethinking of what once was called wrong. In this day with us and those who by force of circumstances has now become the citizens of other countries. But now we are together. All those who tried to help this long-suffering country "- said Kabulov.

According to the Ambassador of Russia in Afghanistan, many Afghan policy these days rethinking the past.

"Many of us remember now as creators, who helped lift the Afghan state with the tribes, like those in the most difficult days are here to build the economy, helping the country to become prosperous," - he said.

The wreath of flowers, five-pointed red star, carried to the monument to soldiers-internationalists officers of the Russian Army and Navy.

Traditionally, institutions are still many years ago, in a black dress struck the bell hanging on the monument to the soldiers, whose mother met them at home in zinc coffins. People carried flowers to our soldiers. The monument in front of wild red as blood .

Military attache in Afghanistan, the Russian Federation Sergey Medvedev said at the ceremony are the ringing words: "We will never forget those who died here, to obey orders to the homeland. We should not forget those soldiers and officers who sacrificed their lives for the fatherland. What would be and how Anyway, they were the best of us. "

After laying wreaths and flowers at the monument to soldiers to protect the ceremony of awarding medals in honor of 20 anniversary of the withdrawal of limited contingent of Soviet forces from Afghanistan. They were awarded 12 Russian mission to the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.

Military Attach awarded medals sent to Kabul, the Committee for the soldiers-internationalists under the Council of Heads of Governments of the States - participants of CIS. After that, the Russian tradition was laid mournful memorial table.

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