Monday, December 29, 2008

Uzbekistan halve gas supplies to Tajikistan for debt

The company Uztransgaz reduced by half the supply of natural gas in Tajikistan, transmits news agency Asia-Plus, explaining his decision because of Tajikistan accumulated debt amounting to 12 million dollars.

Among the major debtors - Dushanbe CHP (nearly 6 million dollars), Enterprise Tadzhiktsement "(1.17 million). Residents of the capital city of Dushanbe owe state unitary enterprise "Tadzhikgaz" about 10 million

As previously reported, Uzbekistan twice increased the price of the delivered natural gas in Tajikistan in 2009 - $ 300 per thousand cubic meters.

"Price, bluntly, staggering, and the Uzbek side, we never expected such a sharp price jump at a time when the world exporting countries to reduce the prices of blue fuel", - commented on the decision of the general director of "Tadzhikgaza" Fathiddin Muhsiddinov.

According to him, "the Tajik parties to continue negotiations by insisting on lowering the cost of gas, considering that in a world crisis and a general fall in prices even 145 dollars - more than the high figure." Tajikistan intends to purchase in 2009, 550 million cubic meters of Uzbek gas.

It is expected that in the next two to three years in Tajikistan will be able to fully satisfy their needs for gas: Gazprom develops in the republic four promising gas fields, activity and was a Canadian company Tetris Petroleum.

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