Monday, March 23, 2009

NASA astronauts mistake when installing the equipment on the outer hull of ISS

NASA astronaut Steven Swanson, and Joseph of Aqaba were not in compliance with two additional tasks out in open space, which they spent the night on Sunday.

"Astronauts installed properly on the surface of the International Space Station, an empty container for storing various equipment. The container is not so rigid and not in the position believed, "- told the" Interfax "the representative of NASA in Russian Mission Control Center Sergei Puzanov.

According to him, the emergency installation of a container uncritical and can be eliminated during the third withdrawal of astronauts in open space on the night of Tuesday or the next shuttle crew.

In addition, the person added, the astronauts were not able to perform another task - to transfer power to the gyroscopes on the primary backup system.

This Puzanov stressed that the astronauts performed the primary task - to set up GPS antenna on the surface of the Japanese module Kibo. This is a very important task, because to the ISS in September came the first Japanese cargo ship. The antenna is needed to fulfill its mission.

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