Monday, March 9, 2009

Police defeated Israel's international network of trafficking in women from the CIS

The Israeli police today completed the transaction to defeat an international network of trafficking in women from the CIS countries and forcing them into prostitution.

Police arrested 12 suspects of involvement in these crimes. Today it was announced at a press conference in Tel Aviv.

The operation started two years ago with a secret investigation. Police discovered a criminal organization, to bring in the brothels, women from Russia, Ukraine, Moldova and Uzbekistan.

According to the investigation, the head of the network resides in the north of Israel, and among his improvised were the perpetrators of the CIS countries, which are looking for young women in villages and small towns and the allure of their deception, that is offered to work as dancers and waitresses. The police did not rule out also that women use violence.

"They recruited women in the CIS countries, ostensibly to work waitresses abroad, legally brought into Turkey, then through the Egyptian-Israeli border in the Sinai smuggling brought to Israel - told a press secretary Alex Kagalsky police. - When Israel was not safe, they started to deliver "live goods" in disguised as nightclubs brothels in northern Cyprus, Belgium, Netherlands and Canada. "

During the investigation, the Israeli police to cooperate with the Russian law enforcement agencies.

Later on the site will be published details about the police operation.

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