Monday, December 15, 2008

The authorities in Moscow are ready to "strictly curb" action "Dissenter"

Dissenter March plans to hold the opposition in Moscow and St. Petersburg, said "Echo Moscow". In the northern capital of the organizers of the action reached agreement with the authorities holding a rally in Moscow and both sides have not come to a compromise.

Meetings in two hours of the day at Triumph Square Russian capital, to hold a rally and then undergo a column on Tverskaya Street organizers are planning Dissenter March - Representatives of the coalition "Other Russia". In their view, December 14, should be a day of the realization of the constitutional rights of citizens to peaceful protest.

For its part, Moscow authorities have drawn attention to the fact that the route of the march had not been agreed upon, but because law enforcement agencies will prevent any illegal actions. In the mayor's office also added that the organizers considered the statement "march" that they and their supporters did go to the Triumphal Square, as a call for illegal actions.

About 80 participants movement "Solidarity" were blocked on the road on their way to Moscow from Himok, which took place the day before the congress movement, said "Echo Moscow". Member of Political Council of "Solidarity" Oleg Kozlovsky believes that the authorities are trying in this way prevent members of "Solidarity" to take part in the Dissenter March.

"This morning, members congress movement Solidarity, which left Himok, where the congress took place in the side of Moscow, were first stopped by traffic police officers, then a few minutes, when they were released, the way he blocked and several police cars, and, Indeed, their movement is blocked, "- told Kozlov.

In the metropolitan government previously offered to the organizers of the action alternative site for it. In response, leaders of "Other Russia" noticed that it was not ready to change the venue of the shares, since it is not able to report that all participants "Marsh".

GUVD Petersburg and the Leningrad region will protect public order where on Sunday the shares "Dissenter." "A special plan of calculation involving the placement of officers units in the field of public events" - told reporters representative GUVD.

He stressed that staff tasked with "expeditiously respond to emergencies in order to avoid disturbance to public order. "

Meanwhile in Moscow, First Deputy Head of press service of the mayor and government capitals Leonid Krutakov said: "The authorities in Moscow warned that any illegal actions on Sunday will be strictly within the framework of the law prevented law enforcement agencies."

Organizers Dissenter March aware of the fact that the authorities in Moscow to use force to the shares, said the United Civil Front leader Garry Kasparov.

Kasparov told the agency AFP, that the OMON of the 11 regions of the country pull off to Moscow in order to prevent the opposition campaign. The world's courts of Moscow, on the eve of "March of the dissidents" have been translated into twenty-four-hour operation.

Dissenter March conjunction with the Decembrist uprising, which occurred 14 Dec, 1825. The main topics of current shares will change in the Constitution of Russia and economic crisis.

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